About Us

Hambleton Parish Council

Hambleton Parish Council is the local authority for the village of Hambleton, Selby and is committed to working with partners and residents to make a vibrant village. The Parish Council has 8 councillors, plus a Parish Clerk.

Parish Council meetings are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month at the Village Hall, Station Road, Hambleton.

Upcoming Events
Click on the event for more information:

Police Drop In Surgery

Public Forum: Revised New Local Plan

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting: April

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (AGM): May

Ordinary Parish Council Meeting: May

Annual Meeting of the Parish

JAMbleton 2024

Congratulations on the new website - it is very easy to use and I hope many residents will appreciate the work that has been done to get the website up and running.

Local Resident

Hambleton is a village that we are all proud to call our home.

The Parish CouncilParish Councilors