Hambleton gets One Step Closer to a Safer Place to Cross…
Read our update about the new improved Pedestrian Refuge planned for Hambleton
Hambleton Parish Council has long been aware of the dangers posed by the A63, which effectively shears the village in two.
From campaigning for a village bypass to implementing traffic measuring technology, the Parish Council has taken an active lead in improving the safety of all villagers that cross Main Road.
Below is a list of actions that the Parish Council has taken since the start of 2016.
29th March 2023 – Highways confirm permission is granted to install a pedestrian refuge design to be a width of 1.9m. This was confirmed with the AJ1 Panel who have released the remaining funds to cover the pedestrian refuge, new village signage and school signage.
27th February 2023 – Alternative plans for pedestrian refuge improvements were submitted by Hambleton PC to the AJ1 Fund Panel for approval. NYCC Highways preparing a design and quote for such – permission yet to be confirmed.
Following refusal of permission to install a pedestrian crossing, discussions with Highways are ongoing. The Vehicle Activated Signs to be installed as part of the project will go ahead. The AJ1 fund Panel are aware and being kept up to date. Site meetings between Councillors and Highways Engineers have been held to discuss the issue.
3rd November 2020 – Confirmation of AJ1 funding of £20k
25 July 2020 – Letter to Highways regarding the RTA. Dates to MF Road Safety Partnership for meeting.
21 July 2020 – Initial sub-committee discussions. Sub Committee meeting set for 31 July. Queries to clerk re current village situation.
16 July 2020 – Sub-committee for AJ1 fund set up in PC meet, to work in gathering necessary info to complete application.
23 June 2020 – North Yorkshire Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner invites bids for funding from the AJ1 Project Road Safety Fund. PC agree this could provide funding for a crossing.
19 March 2020 – Speed Protocol Administrators: the area of concern has previously been investigated by North Yorkshire Police. Safety Camera vehicles deployed. Link attached for info on other ‘potential measures such as additional street furniture and additional signage’ – offered no further action.
18 March 2020 – Cllrs carried out survey over 1hr15mins.
12 March 2020 – Confirmation to Highways from clerk that another 95Alive is to be completed and to check that following its results a site assessment can take place to assess the dangers to people crossing the road. “The Parish Council just wants to do everything it can before there eventually is a fatality”
Highways response to clerk “…the location would still need to meet the criteria irrespective of who was funding it”
95Alive form completed and sent.
PC will carry out own survey of area. VAS quote for PC to buy to be requested. Contact with MFPC re joint approach approved
11 March 2020 – PC highlights the data is from 2017 and new data is necessary and questioning the reluctance of a Risk Assessment (i.e. survey of the area and it’s dangers to road and path users) and requesting a temporary crossing whilst A19 diversion is in place.
Highways confirm A63 is Cat2 and designed to take 20000 vehicle movements.
“Funding is only allocated for investigation of sites by Traffic Engineers where there is an actual need to improve safety and reduce personal injury and as there is no collision history this is not a priority site”
“Regarding a temporary crossing facility there is no assessment, simply there is no funding plus the site does not meet criteria for a permanent facility at this moment in time”
Cllr Pearson to the Transport and Environment Scrutiny Committee; Letter highlighting issue with no crossing guard, calling for action and temporary lights whilst the A19 diversion is in place. Response from Highways to say the enquiry for a temporary crossing was rejected stating criteria is not based on quantity of people but how difficult it is to cross i.e. time it takes to cross, and refuges are already in place.
Cllr Pearson “Do we have to wait until someone is KILLED or seriously injured before something is done”
10 March 2020 – Highways response “Live enforcement site” link to criteria attached. Volume and speed data graphs attached.
25 February 2020 – PC repeats request for Risk Assessment to look at traffic volume, speed, pedestrian volume, wait times etc.
30 January 2020 – PC Tooke asked for recent safety camera data.
16 January 2020 – Highways response “Advert for new guard, closing date 16 Feb”
3 January 2020 – Letter to Highways highlighting danger with loss of patrol guard again, Risk Assessment request.
PC Tooke asked for recent safety camera data.
17 December 2019 – Resident attended PC meeting to comment on A63 agenda item; PC agreed to request a Risk Assessment of the road from NYCC to review the dangers to pedestrians. NYP to increase visibility again.
14 November 2019 – Info re no crossing patrol guard
8 August 2019 – Permission for PC to buy VAS to be investigated
9 May 2019 – Concerns to Highways re visible dyke
10 January 2019 – VAS malfunctions – time owed will be added to end of contract
21 November 2018 – Safety Camera Update: 12 visits, 13hrs 15mins, 105 speeding offences, 4 seatbelt offences, 1 using mobile while driving offence.
6 September 2018 – Safety Camera Update: deployed 7 times successfully (5 further times no parking space) 8hrs 15min enforcement, 101 vehicles in excess of limit, in addition a number of motorists not wearing seatbelts. They will continue their efforts
30 July 2018 – PCTooke agreed to significantly increase safety camera visibility in the area, in a bid to slow traffic down.
28 June 2018 – Temp Chief Constable Lisa Winward instructed P.C. Tooke to contact Hambleton PC regarding A63 concerns. Meeting arranged for 30th July following availability of Councillors and Police.
29 May 2018 – Clerk follows up with NYPFCC and Chief Constable after not hearing a response
20 March 2018 – Chief Constable Dave Jones response: “concerns to be raised with Traffic Bureau on 22nd March. A TB rep will contact you following the meeting and an assessment of the village for further safety camera enforcement sites”
28 February 2018 – NYPFCC acknowledgement
20 February 2018 – Letter sent to Chief Constable and Police and Crime Commissioner
8 February 2018 – Letter approved by PC
11 January 2018 – Draft letter from Cllr D Brown distributed for consideration
14 December 2017 – Cllr D Brown to write to Chief Constable Dave Jones and Police and Crime Commissioner Julia Mulligan re A63 concerns
9 November 2017 – Sign request denied “…they just become sign clutter.”
12 October 2017 – “Speed Check Area” signs requested and denied
14 September 2017 – Cllrs updated PC, having attended CEF meeting. Roundabout for Taylor Wimpey development was suggested by Cllrs to Highways with the thought it will regulate traffic in and out of development and slow traffic down through village. S.Fox to take suggestion back to officers.
13 July 2017 – Agenda item again; still no updates
8 June 2017 – Cllr Pearson was pressed for an update, matter ongoing.
13 April 2017 – Only 2 volunteers came forward for CSW, noted for possible future project
9 March 2017 – Community Speed Watch group – possibility – advert in newsletter for members of the community who would volunteer for this.
Cllr Pearson hadn’t determined whether a self-funded crossing would be acceptable to NYCC. He was asked to get written evidence of NYCC response.
9 February 2017 – Found that speed survey was conducted whilst VAS in place. Cllr D Brown followed up with phone calls to NYCC and emails to Speed Protocol Administrators
1 February 2017 – Taylor Wimpey willing to ‘discuss’ a crossing with PC
12 January 2017 – Speed results back. NYCC Highways are not willing to put in a crossing. Unlikely that, even if funds were available, permission would be given for a crossing. Cllr Pearson will ask Highways if permission would be given if the funds were raised. Question of possible sponsorship raised.
10 November 2016 – Tim Coyne approached re Pedestrian crossing funded by Taylor Wimpey. Permission has already been given, TW under no obligation to provide/no benefit to TW
13 October 2016 – Confirmed at meeting All VAS installed by 16th September
4 October 2016 – MP office forwards David Bowe’s response to the clarifications “There have been no pedestrian collisions in Hambleton in the last 5 years 2011-2015 nor in the provisional information for the current year 2016” Speed data will be reviewed by selby District Road safety Group once collected.
22 September 2016 – Clerk asks for clarification on a number of points following PC discussion
24 August 2016 – MP office forwards David Bowe’s response to concerns
15 August 2016 – Clerk informs MP’s office that the Crossing Guard is not going to take the position and that NYCC cannot be allowed to eternally advertise for a Guard and another solution needs to be found. Issue re wrong location of data logger for 95Alive data collection is highlighted to MP’s office.
9 June 2016 – MP office forwarded a response from David Bowe “Crossing patrol guard in training; Selby Road Safety Group will look at issue in near future; pedestrian crossing assessment work is to be completed this month; local area committee meeting scheduled”
5 April 2016 – Nigel Adams MP office redirect PC to Cllr Chris Pearson. Clerk explained he was aware already, can MP follow up.
March 2016 – Agree to send letter to NYCC . Letter was sent to NYCC Chief Executive Richard Flinton, Assistant Chief executive Mary Weastell, David Bowe (Business and Environmental), Pete Dwyer (Children and Young Persons Services) and Nigel Adams MP. Similar letter sent formally to Cllr Chris Pearson, who was in attendance at the PC meeting and understood concerns
February 2016 – VAS sites approved at Council meeting, contract to be drawn up
January 2016 – Meeting with D. Griffiths re siting of VAS
Temporary VAS project already underway